December 20, 2005

Naps: A Beautiful Time

How about this one. It's 12:30pm and I have all three children sleeping. Am I good or what?! Now that doesn't happen all too often but boy when it does! The house is so quiet, they look so cute, and I can actually get things done! Without interruptions! Without things breaking! Without crying! Without fighting! This is so nice. Granted, I do love when my kids are awake, but you have to admit it's nice when they are sleeping. They behave so much better in the evenings when they have had a nap. Daniel actually has something planned tonight for the two of us and Canberra. I wonder what we will be doing?!

Lately I have become an ebay junky. It's so neat to see what they have! And for so cheep or expensive. I have been looking up childhood toys and such. I've found charmkins, and a few I don't have. I found Wonder Whims that my sister and I loved! I found the rest of my baby strawberry shortcake dolls. And even Ed Grimley!! Now that's a find! Too bad he was too expensive to buy. I also found the Fern Gulley, The Smurfs and The Chipmunk Adventure videos. I'm starting to get into the selling part of now. Selling baby clothes and my own even! It's pretty cool. Too bad I got rid of so much stuff to donation places and yard sales, I could have made a lot of money! Oh well. It's pretty fun though, I think.

Christmas is just around the corner. I can't wait. We bought the boys a play house for their playroom. We are going to set it all up and have a few presents inside for them to open. I think we are going to try and put rapping paper around the house for them to tear up. Anything to destroy they will love doing. Then we get to go to Grandma and Papa's house for the rest of the 3 hour present opening. After that we eat fast and go to church at 12:00. Daniel's choir he conducts is singing in sacrament meeting. He arranged the primary song 'Stars were gleaming' to be sung by a choir and it sounds so good! They are also singing Silent Night in a real neat way. I am proud of him. He did a great job. It's amazing how some music can bring the spirit in so strongly! No pictures yet to post. Christmas I think will be the next ones. Untill then....
Merry Christmas!

I do have to mention that our little Canberra has been loving us greatly. She has been sleeping nicely 8 hour blocks at night. That has been so nice. She has been since the night of the 13th. She has only had 2 days where she woke up 1 time in the night instead of right through. Can't complain about that! She has also been gooing and gaaaahing and trying so hard to talk to us. It's adorable. She literally says gooo. It's funny.

Shane and Seth play and play together. With alittle arguing in the middle but mostly they get along great. They are happy they get to hold their sister more often now that she is older. They love to hold her and play with her hands and give her lots of kisses. Shane is a big help when I need to take the laundry out of the dryer or something, he will hold her gladly. He rocks her and sings to her. It's so cute. Seth will hold her alot and rock her too, but I can't leaver her with him unattended. When he is done he's done.

Well, I need to take the rest of this time to email a dear friend from Australia before I don't have a chance to. Again I say to all! Merry Christmas!!!

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