December 12, 2005

Binkie... no binkie...

What do you do? Canberra didn't take a binkie at the hospital, we didn't exactly try very hard either to be honest. She does so well without one but at the same time there are those moments where I just can't nurse her anymore!! It hurts!! So what do you do? We tried one more time last night and she took it! While she was sucking away I couldn't help but think... do I really want to do the binkie thing again??? The boys were fine when I took it away from them, but it's so nice not having to find it, wash it all the time, and it's really nice seeing her cute little mouth all the time! So we shall see how long I can pull it off without really giving it to her. We told ourself only in moments when she really needs to be quiet and nothing else is working. So we shall see.

Wednesday... Daniels last day at school... my birthday too... what a nice present... the 28th.. Shane turns 4! Can't believe that one. Time for inviting friends to parties now! How fun. I really wish there was more exciting things to write about right now but really there isn't. So back to house work I go. Unless something comes along stay tuned for Christmas pictures and Birthday pictures!

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