September 27, 2005

I made it through the week

Well, I did it. The week Daniel was gone I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it by myself but I did. The boys were great up untill Thursday. Thursday and Friday were a little challenging mostly because I wanted to clean the house up for Daniel and finnish everything I did around the house that week. I decorated our bathroom finnaly and finnished the boys. We decided to have an orange theme for ours and dark reds for the boys. I found some cute wooden bugs to put up in the boys. It was fun painting them. I just happen to have the colors of paint as in the shower curtain so I was able to paint the bugs on Thursday while the boys slept. They turned out quite good I must say. I got a butterfly, dragonfly, turtle, frog, laddybug and bumblebee. Now we just need to hang them on the wall. Our bathroom has a lot of spice orange colors. It turned out so nice. It feels so nice to get things done and organized around the house. I kept the boys busy during the morning by going to the mall and letting them play at the play center they have there and going shopping with them in the mornings. They usually take long 2-3 hour naps so the only time I had to really watch out for Seth was in the evenings. He is still getting into everything. But I am trying to laugh at it rather than get upset. He has this craze for taking every shoelace out of every shoe he sees. It gets pretty annoying when you are in a hurry to leave and have to lace everyones shoes. It could be worse I keep telling myself.

This weekend

Friday we get our front and back yard done. We are having them dig out all the old gravel in the front and pull out a yucky tree in the back and put grass in . Saturday morning we are having our gravel delivered. I am so excited to have the backyard done so the boys can play outside more without getting muddy all the time. Now they can play in the sprinklers when I water the grass and actually run around without getting hurt! The front yard will look so nice too. It's small thank goodness but we already have our plants where we want them, all we need is our rock. I am like my mom. I love plants and animals. There are lots of flowers in the front and back of all colors. If you can imagine, looking at the front yard from the street you will see... to your left 3 bushes call crape murtles lining our property from our neighbors with bunches of big lavendar flowers all over it, then in the middel of the yard is a tall palm tree with yellow bell flowers reaching 5 feet high infront of the palm tree truck and on the right side of the tree are magenta pink and yellow bunches of flowers called Lantanna, and on the left side of the bell flowers are the dark red and yellow bunches of flowers of Lantanna. Behind the palmtree and to the left a little is a small mesquite tree with perrywinkle blue flowers infront of it and behind the tree and under the window are my orange mexican hunnysuckle flower bushes. We have flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflys. Then the mesquite tree we have a bird feeder so we get the birds too. All my plants are blossoming right now and they look so beautiful! In the back yard I have red and yellow cannas in a flower bed on one side and in the other flower beds on the other side I have bamboo and wandering jews that are green and purple. With the grass all done it's going to look so nice and relaxing.

Depeche Mode !!

All I have to say about that is Oh Yah! Today is the presale for the Depeche Mode concert the day after Thanksgiving in Phoenix. How excited am I!!! 10:00am they go on sale and boy am I ready! I heard one song from their album and I am extatic to hear the rest. I am still a BIG DM fan. I always will be. I could go on and on and on about why they are so good. But I will only if you want me to. Their single goes on sale October 4th and the album the 18th. If your interested. Well, I got 6 tickets because I didn't know where I wanted to sit. We got the floor row 19 and then two on each side right by the stage 14 rows up. I don't know which one to do. There are benifits of both. We are planning on selling the other 4 tickets on ebay. I hope they will sell.

Baby time!

I made my last 3 appointments! Crazy crazy. She is going to be here in no time. Especially with all the things happening from now untill then. I am enjoying my last month pregnant. I love being pregnant. As hard as this one was on me I still love feeling her moving around. I love how I look pregnant, regardless of the extra 38 lbs I always gain. So far it's 32 lbs. and I still have a month to go!! NO more ice-cream sandwiches for me I guess. Both the boys are so excited about having a little sister. Shane even draws her in my belly when he draws his family at pre-school and church. It's so cute. His little stick people with daddy being very tall, I get a little collered in spot in the middle of my stick body for the baby. He's so cute.

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