July 02, 2009

Update on the Twins and our pet Dumbo Agouti Rat Mia

Baby A with a view looking down at her (I mean it's) belly and top of head, you can also see the yolk sac (looks like a balloon on a string) under it. Baby B upside down... ha ha, my favorite picture so far.

Baby A showing the very top of it's head with legs coming out in front.

Baby B upside down still holding on to it's umbilical cord.

So... today went ok. They could not find the bleeding by Baby A so that is great, but Baby B still had the same amount next to it. That made me sad. I'm not on "bed rest" anymore but I still need to take it easy as much as possible. Both babies are healthy and active! Baby B was holding onto the umbilical cord and swinging it around, it was funny. It was also head down. Baby A was kicking it's feet all over the place and she got a cute picture from the top looking down. You can see the top of it's head with it's long legs sticking out. With this viewing, the babies were closer together, almost touching. So either they moved closer the last 2 weeks or they were just so small the first time it only looked as though they were on opposite sides. All in all, they are both healthy and that's all that matters!

I am all mixed up emotions wise. I am terrified of what this pregnancy is going to do to my body... example: the pain, how it's going to feel with both of them moving around, how I'm going to sleep and so forth. I'm not looking forward to the LACK OF SLEEP I will be getting and that makes me want to cry thinking about it. Then I go to very excited that we will have twins in our family! Oh man.

Shane decided NOT to go to see the babies. I wanted to watch SNOOPY instead. We gave him plenty of chances to go, but no. He said in the car that he wished he had gone. Perhaps next time.

Here are some recent pictures of our Dumbo Agouti pet rat Mia too. She has been a joy to our family. A great little girl.


  1. Are you guys finding out the sexes? I am glad to hear you are doing well. Just take it easy. Don't beat yourself up about Zander. He's 2 and he knew he was getting attention by ignoring you. He loves his mama!

  2. i have 2 rats named luna and baliey luna is a aguci rat balie is black an wight rat iam happy to hear you are having baby rats mia is only having 2 ?

  3. anonymous: No, I was having twins... our rat Mia is not pregnant. She actually has a tumor now so we are super sad. She was a good girl to all our kids.
