December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011, Polar Express, Shane turns 10!

First I have to put this current picture in because this is "FROGGY" My 27 year old spade foot frog.  I got him as a tadpole along with 102 others that all turned to frogs at the same time.  I had another frog with Froggy for a good 8 years.  We love froggy.  Hope he stays around several more years.

Christmas Eve we open 1 present and for now it's pajamas to wear that night for Christmas morning.  When the kids get older I don't think they will want Pj's but we'll see. 

 The nativity this year... You can see what the babies did :D
 We tie a ribbon on their name chain and change the color every year.  Rather than putting a name tag on the presents we wrap their present and use their color of ribbon for the bows etc.  That way they don't know what present is who's.  It's fun. 
 Santa left the stockings in the playroom this year with his present to us (The Polar Express Tickets) in the green envelopes.
 Our tree and presents.
 Our pet Betta fish "Sushi".

 I love taking pictures of the kids sleeping and then one of them waking up...

 We had cousin Savanna come as a surprise.  They didn't know she would be there Christmas morning. 

 Seth reading the care instructions from Santa....

 My parents house...  All the boys got matching ties (including Daniel) and the girls got a ribbon/sash that matches the boys ties... SO CUTE!

 The massive hotel suite at Grand Canyon Railway Hotel for our Polar Express trip. 


 Cookies and hot chocolate...
 Waving to Santa at the North Pole...

 Oh! He got on the train!

 Canberra and Camia made friends with this little girl...
 All tuckered out....

 On our way to eat Sushi for Shane's 10th Birthday dinner with his best friend Logan as a surprise.

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