December 01, 2005

One month already!!!

I can't believe it's been one month. She has been growing like crazy also! She is already fitting perfectly into things that just swam on her at 1 week! Which makes sence because she eats all the time! I have to say I am loved and lucky once again. I have been blessed with 3 wonderful babies. All of my babies have been great sleepers at night, not fussy and overall happy, smiley and good babies. I feel so blessed. Canberra is such a hoot in the mornings. She is definatly a morning girl. She is full of smiles and goos and gaaas in the morning. And when she's awake she just likes to look around and move her tounge in and out a million miles an hour. I am surprised she's not more moving active, like with her legs and such. She felt like she would be a gymnist at birth in my belly, but she is very mellow. The boys love her and do very well with the new baby sister at home. Shane randomly said at the dinner table one night, "mommy, I'm glad baby sister is out of your belly now, I love her." It was so cute!! They love giving her kisses and holding her. She does very well with them and is very patient. It's neat to watch her reactions when they come to tell her stories and hold her. It's like she knows them and recognizes them. She had gotten a cold the moment she got home from the hospital. We all were sick so I was prepared for it. But she finnally seems to be getting over it. It was scarey though cuz she was so young. But she never got a fever. Just a little cough and stuffy nose. We definatly gave her a blessing. I wanted her to have one because the weather went from 80 degrees to 60 over night and I ddin't want her to get the flu or something worse!! Ever sence the blessing she has been getting better. I love the priesthood!! So it looks like everyone will be healthy for Christmas in the Basham house. Thank goodness!

We went to the awesome Depeche Mode concert last weekend. Oh my blast it was amazing! I love them. At 50 they all seem to be acting like 30. It's great. I have never been disappointed going to one of their concerts. The only bumb was that we sold our $175 tickets for $40. Oh well, it ended up being a more expensive concert to go to than we had planned. But at least we sold the other 2 we had for $200. We had great, I mean GREAT seats. It was just overall wonderful. What else can I say. Back stage... yah, I wish.

Christmas shopping is all done. Daniel's classes are almost over for the winter. Children are wonderful. Things are looking and feeling great this holiday season. I am truely blessed.

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