November 06, 2005

Canberra's Story

While we were awaiting the "October baby" we planned on having, Halloween came and left. Monday the 31st was my last doctors appointment and I had only dialated one more to a good 6. Which is still good. NO contractions still. As I was driving home from my appointment I actually got a small contraction. That was so exciting! This was about 2:30 in the afternoon. Well, I only got about 3 more throughout the rest of the day and went to bed. No October baby. But that's ok. We only wanted one because out of all the Daniels side of the family, 10 kids and 31 grandchildren there was not one October baby. And out of my parents side of the family-extended my mother has 4 brothers and sisters and their children, there isn't one October baby. Rather than getting enduced I really wanted her to be born when she was ready. October or November. The 24th came and left, the 27th came and left. (Our two estimated due dates) About 11:30pm on the 31st of October I would say I was waken up by a strong contraction. (On top of Seth coughing every 5 seconds the entire night, no exaggeration! Even medicine didn't help, so Daniel and I both didn't sleep at all that night) I continued to get the contractions very randomly throughout the night. 10 min to 30 min, to 15 min to 5 min, to 45 min to 20 min. But I did continue to get them. So I timed them around 6:30 am November 1st. They started to get consistant around 8-10 min. apart. So I called my doctor around 7:45 am and she said to go on in and get checked. I took my time and showered, got babysitters arranged, forgot to eat breakfast (that was really stupid, I was starving) and arrived at the antipardom to get checked at 9:45am. Waiting and waiting I finnally got into a room at 10:15 and was still a good 6 dialated. They checked my contractions and they stayed at the 8-10 min. apart. I was thinking they would send me home to wait it out a bit more untill she came in at 10:45 and said "well, your admitted". So phone calls I started making while waiting for my DELIVERY room. IT'S HAPPENING!! I was in my room at 11:15 and started answering all the admission questions while waiting for Daniel to come. Since I wanted an epidural they suggested to get one now, but I wanted to wait for Daniel to get there, besides my contractions were still pretty far apart and I had time to get over the pain of it. Daniel came after getting the boys situated at home, he got there about 12:00 and we started to play mexican trains while waiting for my contractions to get closer. Never happened. At 1:30 I decided to to go ahead and get my epidural and Dr. Chin broke my water (that's another story when I have time). Once I got that I told Danile to go ahead and get something to eat while we wait. He left at 2:00. While he was gone I slept a very little, I was hoping to sleep good with the epidural and all. But arond 2:15 the babies heart rate would drop to 70's and 80's during the contractions and so that would scare me to death! The nurse came in and had me roll to my side to see if it would help. 2:30 came and her heart rate still did the same thing so she had me change to the other side. After a few minutes, I felt some pretty strong pressure during the contractions and told the nurse she said she better check me to see how my dialation is doing. Now remember by contractions are still at 8-10 min. apart. At 2:55 Daniel came back from lunch just as the nurse finnished checking me and said, "Oh my gosh, no wonder, it's time to have your baby!" All that pressure I was feeling was because her head was right there ready to come out!! She pushed the page button and asked to Dr. Chin (my doctor) to come in for delivery. Wow. She had me roll on my side till she got there. Dr. Chin got there at 3:00 and had me do one push with a contraction then set up for delivery while waiting for another contraction to push through. Daniel was making as many calls as he could in this time. I did my first real delivery push at 3:10, and did 2 more big pushes and 1 last looonnggg push. And she was here! 3:21pm. Just as Dr. Chin got her completly out Mariah showed up as the doctor said, "you got your selves a little girl". Then Tanna came a few minutes later, then my dad and then Bobbie and then my mom. All sad cuz they thought they were the only ones who missed it! Little did they know everyone missed it! Little Canberra didn't give anyone time to get there to see. That's ok by me. They all saw the others. This made it a bit more special for Daniel and I. And this was the story of our Canberra being born. I will tell more of the "water breaking" story next time.

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