October 19, 2005

Just found this one on the computer of the boys and my neice Savanna and thought I would post it with a little update on the baby to come. I am over 39 weeks now and you know, I am not close at all to having her. I am not dialated at all and she has not even dropped yet. So we shall see how late she comes! I am still enjoying my last 2 weeks so far. I feel great, not tired, lots of energy and am able to move about easily. That's pretty good I think considering it's been so difficult the rest of the time. We also just found out that Daniel has to take one more class his counselor didn't tell him about so he won't be able to graduate untill next December. That's not what we wanted to hear but at least he won't have so many classes all at once along with work and a new baby. Other than that right now the boys and I are starting to come down with a little cold. I hope it goes away before the baby gets here!  Posted by Picasa

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