October 31, 2005

I will leave a little update because there is only a little to say this morning. NOTHING yet! No baby. I have a doctors appt. at 3:30 today and will give an update after. As for now there have been NO contractions or anything. We are just not patiently waiting. Wondering at any moment when things are going to start happening. Waiting, waiting, waiting. We even tried bouncing her out on the wagon ride at the pumpkin patch and walking her out and driving her out because the patch was about 1 hour west of our house in the middle of nowhere. That was pretty risky but of course nothing happened. Enjoy the pumpkin pictures and look for some baby pictures in the next 3-4 days! (we hope) Also, Seth has been real good at telling me he needs to go potty and actually does! When they are ready they are ready! We haven't been really working with him because with the new baby coming it will mess everything up anyway so I'm glad he is doing it all on his own. He is 2 1/2, I'm not saying he is trained, but he is actually realizing he needs to go. My little Seth, growing up already. That's a good sign I need another baby! Come on CANBERRA!! We are waiting for you! Posted by Picasa

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