April 28, 2011

Paper Airplane Birthday Party for Seth and Zander, Easter and more pictures!

Shane: Is excited to be going to Basis Charter School and is taking his last placement test on Saturday.  I hope he is still a sponge and can develop his love of math there.  Boy that sure wasn't an easy thing for me.  He tested into GATE at TUSD but sorry! He is NOT going next year! Shane is growing up so fast.  He is getting super tall and still LOVES to play with the babies as often as he can.  He's such a great big brother.  He loves Scouts and just completed his BEAR! The toy of choice is the IPAD which Daniel won at a work seminar in Las Vegas.  Thank you Daniel for providing the Easter bunny a gift for the kids this year! That thing is fun! Then there are Mighty Beanz.... yah.  Ok.  As long as the kids have fun with them right? Shane is a fabulous artist!! He loves to paint by number, the hard pictures too.  He loves to look at pictures and draw them on another paper.  He is quite talented in that area! Shane is a 2nd degree black belt in Karate now, still teaches Kenpo Kids and is doing great!

Seth: Has calmed down so much from his crazy years before.  He is maturing quickly.  He loves any kind of animal or bugs he can find.  He is doing great in school, Seth also tested in GATE a whopping 1 hour a week pull out? Really? That doesn't seem like much for developing something.  Oh well, it's something until Seth gets to 5th grade at Basis.  Seth loves making paper airplanes, writing stories and drawing pictures to go with the stories.  His stories are great! He can whip out a full page story in 5 min! Seth is progressing towards his black belt in Karate, he will have it February 2013. Seth is getting so excited to be baptized, Shane is going to give the talk on Baptism.  For Seth's Birthday he wanted fruit salad and an airplane cake.  Yah.  So I had to create one with his help out of cupcakes.  I think it turned out pretty well.  The fruit salad ROCKED! Yumm! Had to have kiwi in there for Seth of course! We made a bunch of paper airplanes for the kids to fly around and had papers there for them to make their own.  It seemed like they had fun.

Canberra: Loves the Littlest PetShop animals, playing with Zander, matching games on IPad, coloring and Pre-school.  She loves wearing hats and little girlie bee-nees with big flowers on them.  She picks out her own outfits now and does a pretty good job! She loves higher platform shoes.  Canberra is learning her performance for her Ballet recital at the end of May.  She seems pretty confident in her moves.  I love when she does her FLOWER move.  She's so graceful and elegant! Makes me proud.  Her feet have been turned in when she walks since she was little and the doctors said they would turn out on their own around 4 years old. Well they didn't until she started ballet.  It has helped a lot.  The people at Daniels work said roller-skating would help a ton!! So maybe that's in her future :D Canberra loves Zebras and Flamingos. 

Zander:  Oh Zander.  His personality is getting SO CHEEKY! The things that boy says! For some reason since Daniel has gotten home in November he has not been so good at having dry nights.  He just stopped.  So he's back in diapers at night only.  Oh well.  Zander loves elephants, coloring, pre-school and is doing ok in karate now.  He got his yellow belt and just needs to get used to listening during class.  I think he'll get the hang of it.  Zander also LOVES to EAT.

Camia: We started special shoes at night only for Camia's feet.  They also turn in but worse than Canberra's were.  Thankfully Daniel has connection at work and we got "samples" for her.  It's been almost 2 weeks and she now walks and stands correctly! It's amazing! She will most likely wear them until she is two.  She only had one rough night, the first night we put them on her.  After that she's been great! Like she isn't even wearing them.  Camia is also a very CHEEKY girl! What a personality this girl has! Oh MY! Her facial expressions are hilarious! She loves people, is super happy pretty much all the time and is getting more brave climbing on things.  She loves animals of all kinds.  Her hair is getting more and more curly in the back, like Shane's was at her age.  It's just not growing at the top! Camia loves books, especially the touch and feel books.

Gavin:  My sweet little petite guy.  My sweet little skinny monkey! That boy gets into everything! He's a bit more cautious of animals and people.   Gavin is more serious but still very happy and easy going. His hair started out getting wavy but has stopped and just has this little curl at the ends and it sticks out behind his ears.  It's so cute.  He loves Camia and loves giving her hugs and pulling her hair.  They play very well together.  Especially in my curtains.  Gavin also loves to look at books. 

Daniel: Just doing residency and working on call a LOT.  I think it's safe to say he's looking forward to our beach trip in July! Daniel is back into Karate also and enjoying it.

Me: RUNNING! My ipod broke and I have to have music to run so I got a little shuffle and figured out how to transfer my media player music onto it so now I can RUN again! I am 3 pounds away from my next goal, which I will see the middle number change AGAIN! I was 167, 157, 147, 137, and in 3 pounds lost I will see 129!!! 5 middle numbers change from when I started working out 1 year ago this month! I was a size 14/16 and now I am a 5!  I've lost over 20" all together, and that's my arms, thighs, hips and waist.  My arms lost over 2" each! That's gross.  Glad it's gone! I still have an end goal of another 10lbs to get rid of. It's there for sure, it's just going to take longer now I think.  I would love to be about 120.  I know my body can be.  I was 120 when I got married.  115 in high school.  I can get there! I feel great though... I am excited to go to the beach in July also, it's going to be fun to see how the twins react! We are also going to see Josh Groban in August!! Oooooh and GREAT seats too!!!

Posts from Facebook: 

Seth's Tooth:
Thanks to my Mother's fabulous idea of tying floss around a wiggly tooth my kids have a much easier time pulling them out.  While driving around doing some errands with Seth he showed me his wiggly tooth.  He told me he wanted me tie floss around it so he can pull it out... in the car... front seat.  Got the picture? I told him he only has 15 min and then he has karate, so he'll have to pull it out or he'll have floss sticking out of his mouth.  He said ok.  Now, this tooth wasn't THAT wiggly... but it was a little.  So I tie the floss nice and tight and he gets a napkin and rolls the window down, sticks his head out the window and looks in the mirror.  He told me he didn't want to get blood in the car when he pulls it out.  Ooookayyy.... So every minute or so I look over to check.  I told him he had 5 min. left and then I see his hand shaking a little bit from him pulling a bit harder hahaha! Then I hear "Oh!" and I see Seth sit back down and show me the floss... but there was no tooth! He sees it's gone and immediately puts his head back out the window and looks down the road! I crack up!! It was so funny! As head head was out the window he yells out "My tooth fell in the street!" I told him the tooth fairy will know he lost his tooth and to not worry, he'll still get money.

So, I used to keep the kids teeth until I realized that was kinda pointless and threw them away months ago, but Canberra had lost a tooth recently and I remembered had just put in on our dresser for some reason.  So I put Canberra's tooth in the bag under his pillow with the money hoping he'd think the tooth fairy found his tooth... right?  Nope, after closely looking at the tooth Seth decided it was NOT his tooth.  "His" tooth had a little crack in it! He said.  Great I thought and immediately I told him "I guess the tooth fairy fixed it".  Seth was happy with that answer and trotted down the hallway all happy.  Whew!

April 12th:
Was such a CRAP-PEE day! OH my gosh! I won’t go into major detail.  I just want to thank ZANDER for the opportunity to shampoo the carpets in ¾ of the house, wash the entire couch, do 6 loads of laundry and mop! The details (or you can stop here) around 3am (I was sleeping, this is all from Daniel who LET ME SLEEP through this) Zander came into our bedroom with a raunchy stench following him.  (I know this smell just from what I had to smell the entire day) A stomach turning nasty smell ok! Yah, he had an accident of both kinds pretty darn bad.  Well apparently he went back into his room and laid back down in it because it was all in his hair and on his face.  Really Zander??? Ok.  To make it worse when Daniel went in to give him a bath he saw that Zander must have went in to the bathroom to try to clean himself off with toilet paper.  All over the bathroom.  He had to wash him 3 times to get the smell off of him!! Yah, it was that bad!! To make things even WORSE there was a nice crap-pee trail from his bedroom through the hallway to the bathroom to our bedroom etc…. uuuh huuuh.  Ok you ready? Daniel wen to lay him down on the couch so he could clean up the bedroom and when he sat on the couch it was covered! So apparently Zander went to the couch to lay down sometime in the night covered in crap! So we spent all day shampooing carpets, washing and re-washing the couch cushions and so I pretty much had to do the entire couch or we would have some clean parts and some not so I just did the entire couch, mopping bathrooms and doing several loads of laundry trying and trying to get the smell out of the towels and Zanders PJ’s.  After 3 washes his PJ’s are STILL smelling horrible!! What the?? What did we feed that kid! Bluh! He’s never had a nasty accident before! Ever!  I don’t know what happened to Zander either! I mean he went over 2 months when Daniel was gone accident free at night! And seriously the night Daniel got back he’s not had one dry night.  After last night’s incident I have to say… Zander is back in night time diapers.  We are NOT going to do that again!  Glad this is a new clean smelling day in this house!  


Family Pictures
 My new Nephew John Issac Sackey

My sweet niece Macey who is home now from over 2 weeks in the ICU.  This poor girl has been through so much!  From Pneumonia, kidney failure, dialysis, low red cell counts to low platelets.  We are so happy you are home now Macey and doing a little bit better! It's so great to hear her sweet voice again! We love you!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I was just looking up paper airplane decor ideas for my son's birthday, and this is the best thing I've stumbled upon in months. Your crap-pee incident is about to get tweeted. I almost had a little accident reading this. Thanks for the laughs.
